Local voices.
Global change.
Authentic stories & reliable science from the forefront of the ocean and climate emergency

Scientist. Storyteller. Writer.
Carving out a space for local voices to drive global change in education, science, & policy
Known for my impactful research, creative communication, and efficient project management, I'm passionate about highlighting realities, resilience, and culture of communities at the forefront of the ocean and climate emergency.
"Abiagel Kim is one of Canada's Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25"

Working towards decolonial futures in Canada: First steps for non-Indigenous researchers
"As a predominantly non-Indigenous group...our goal with this perspective is to synthesize and share some of what we have learned about encountering and combatting colonialism in the hope that it may offer something to other non-Indigenous and settler fisheries researchers who are grappling with colonization in their own work."

Trials and Triumphs of First-Time Field Research
Embarking on our first international research projects, ‘bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,’ we had no idea what this work had in store for us—an onslaught of challenging, exciting, daunting, and rewarding learning experiences.